Who is the biggest loser ?!

Deri Protocol
2 min readMay 17, 2021


It has always been like that the winners are the ones to be rewarded. Let’s end this curse and reward the biggest loser instead!

Deri Protocol proudly announces its newest competition: Who’s the Biggest Loser?!

You read correctly! The 1st winner of the competition’s grand prize of 20,000 $DERI will be the person who loses the most $DERIs used as collateral to contract trade on the Meme Index pool during the period 10:00 UTC May 17, 2021–10:00 UTC May 31, 2021.

The details of the Biggest Loser Trading Competition in a nutshell:

Trading Symbol: iMeme
Blockchain: Binance Smartchain
Base token: $DERI

Competition time: 10:00 UTC May 17, 2021–10:00 UTC May 31, 2021.

How to join: Go to the trading page of Meme Index (iMeme), connect your BSC-Wallet to Deri Protocol and participate in the contract trading.

Ranking rules: Participants will be ranked per their final Loss (in $DERI), and rewarded accordingly;

Prize distribution: Winners can claim their $DERI prize reward at the mining page after the competition ends.

Prize pool:

The biggest loser:20,000 DERI
The 2nd loser:5,000 DERI
The 3rd loser:2,000 DERI
The 4th- 10th loser:500 DERI

Deri Protocol Team
May 17, 2021


自Deri Protocol 于5月12日推出「Meme Coin 指数&期货币种收录社区征集」活动以来,得到了社区用户的积极投票参与,共有7种Meme Coin 入选。

现在Deri Protocol 的基于「Meme代币指数」的永续合约交易将于 5月 17 日 10:00(UTC)正式上线,用户可前往官网进行交易和挖矿。

同时,Deri Protocol 将同步开启“Who is the biggest loser”限时活动 — — 亏损得越多,领取的DERI奖励越多!

如果你是古典币圈捍卫者,来Deri Protocol 做空「Meme代币指数」永续合约,如果你是新晋的币圈颠覆者,来Deri Protocol 做空「Meme代币指数」永续合约吧!


活动时间:2021 年 5月 17日 10:00 至 5 月 31 日 10:00 (UTC)



第 1 名:20,000 DERI
第 2 名:5,000 DERI
第 3名:2,000 DERI
第 4–10名:500 DERI


(详细教程请点击 https://www.chainnews.com/articles/523413899068.htm)

发放方式:大赛结束公布获奖名单后,获奖者可在Deri Protocol挖矿页面领取DERI奖励。

Deri Protocol Team
2021 年 5 月17日

Deri Protocol
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Deri Protocol

Deri Protocol = (Perpetual Futures + Everlasting Options) x Decentralized.