Step-by-Step Guide for Deri Protocol V3 Migration
Here is the step-by- step guides for liquidity providers and traders on Deri to transfer liquidity from V2 to V3 and close trading positions.
For liquidity providers:
Step 1: Enter in the old pools, click link here:
Step 2: Choose the pools to which you have added liquidity, as below:
Step 3: Withdraw your liquidity, in “Remove” section as below:
Step 4: Enter in Deri Protocol V3 pools, click the link here:
Step 5: Add your liquidity in V3 , the AMM liquidity Mining Step by step guide is here:
For derivatives traders:
Options, Fut Main & Fut Inno-BUSD pools are inactive, please close position and remove your margin.
Step 1: Enter the below two links:
Step 2: Close your positions.
Step 3: Withdraw your margin, and open positions at Deri V3 when the V3 pools are ready
About Deri Protocol
Deri Protocol = (Perpetual Futures + Everlasting Options) x Decentralized.
Deri is the DeFi way to trade derivatives: to hedge, to speculate, to arbitrage, all on chain. With Deri Protocol, trades are executed under AMM paradigm and positions are tokenized as NFTs, highly composable with other DeFi projects. Having provided an on-chain mechanism to exchange risk exposures precisely and capital-efficiently, Deri Protocol has minted one of the most important blocks of the DeFi infrastructure.