Deri’s Inno Zone Trading Competition
To properly celebrate the launch of the Inno Zone, the team is pleased to announce the organization of a BIG trading competition on Deri!
From June 19th to July 17th, traders across all the iChains Deri supports will be able to compete for prizes that total 15,000 USDC!
To participate, trade on Deri, amass as much profit as you can to secure your seat in the top ranks, and you earn your share of the prize!
For the competition, only new addresses (if you already traded on Deri before, you can always switch to another address) and trades placed AFTER the start of the competition will count. We will have a leaderboards page online before the competition starts and the rankings for the different prizes will be updated hourly so that you can follow your progress and others’.
Note that even trades that aren’t closed will count. Any unrealized gain or loss will count towards your final P&L, you won’t have to rush and close your trades before the final bell. On the last day of the competition, the rankings will be frozen and the winners will be crowned champions!
To make it extra interesting, we prepared different prize categories.
The main prize will be given to the Gains Masters: the 5 traders that get the highest P&L in $ terms will share a prize of $5,000.
If you are a small fish, fear not because you can still claim a prize with our ROI Rockstars prize: the 5 traders that get the highest P&L in % terms will fight for $3,000.
Because without some degeneracy it wouldn’t be fun and to celebrate the Inno Zone launch, Inno Wizards: the 5 traders that get the highest P&L in $ terms trading Inno Zone symbols will share $3,000.
We will also reward High Rollers: the 3 users that trade the highest notional volume in $ terms will share $2,000.
Finally, we will reward users that promote the event and get more traders on the platform with a $1,000 prize for our Outreach Champions, and $1,000 for the Commission Kings.
Here’s a recap of the prize list:
So get your trading hats and practice before June 19th! We will be releasing the complete rules and prize distribution in another article shortly, but be ready for a few more surprises coming your way in the next few weeks!
About Deri Protocol
Deri, your option, your future!
Deri is the DeFi way to trade derivatives: to hedge, to speculate, to arbitrage, all on chain. With Deri Protocol, trades are executed under AMM paradigm and positions are tokenized as NFTs, highly composable with other DeFi projects. Having provided an on-chain mechanism to exchange risk exposures precisely and capital-efficiently, Deri Protocol has minted one of the most important blocks of the DeFi infrastructure.