Deri Protocol Trading Competition on Arbitrum Rinkeby
It’s time to get involved!
The Deri Protocol x Arbitrum’s testnet trading competition is not only a chance for you to freely try & experience in crypto derivatives trading , what’s greater is that you can win $1,000 in RUSDC with total 0 cost!
Prizes: $1,000 in USDC
Time: 26th April at 10:00 AM — 3rd May at 10:00 AM UTC
Where: Arbitrum Rinkeby Testnet
How to Participate
To be eligible to win any trading competition prizes, you must provide feedback via this form.
If you are unfamiliar with using Deri Protocol testnet, we strongly recommend that you read the comprehensive guide.
To ensure your eligibility for the competition, it is very important that you provide the wallet address you used during the competition whenever you provide feedback.
We appreciate your support and patience when you report bugs, confusing features or strange interactions.
Prizes for providing feedback
1. User Feedback Bounty
3 x $200 in USDC for the 3 most helpful, impactful, or detailed feedback submitted through this form.
2. Lucky Draw
10 lucky traders will equally share a pool of $400 in USDC. Users who submit feedback with a total trade notional value of $1000 or more during the competition period will qualify for the lucky draw.
Next steps
To stay up-to-date on further announcements regarding the trade competition, follow Deri on Twitter and check out Discord.
About Deri Protocol
Deri, your option, your future!
Deri is the DeFi way to trade derivatives: to hedge, to speculate, to arbitrage, all on chain. With Deri Protocol, trades are executed under AMM paradigm and positions are tokenized as NFTs, highly composable with other DeFi projects. Having provided an on-chain mechanism to exchange risk exposures precisely and capital-efficiently, Deri Protocol has minted one of the most important blocks of the DeFi infrastructure.