BTCUSD-70000-C on Deri Protocol
We are excited to announce that BTCUSD-70000-C are now live at Deri Protocol’s everlasting options.
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Contract Specs
Base token: BUSD
Underlier: BTCUSD
Strike: 70000
Option Type: Call
Min Trade Volume (Notional): 0.001BTC
Initial Margin Ratio: 10%
Maintenance Margin Ratio: 5%
Transaction Fee:
In-the-money: Transaction Fee = BTCUSD Price *0.15%
Out-of-money: Transaction Fee = Option Mark Price *4%
About Deri Protocol
Deri Protocol = (Perpetual Futures + Everlasting Options) x Decentralized.
Deri is the DeFi way to trade derivatives: to hedge, to speculate, to arbitrage, all on chain. With Deri Protocol, trades are executed under AMM paradigm and positions are tokenized as NFTs, highly composable with other DeFi projects. Having provided an on-chain mechanism to exchange risk exposures precisely and capital-efficiently, Deri Protocol has minted one of the most important blocks of the DeFi infrastructure.