On Dec 2nd, 2021, community members raised their concerns about trading activities of “matched orders” on Deri Protocol: some paired addresses have carried improper matched-order trading to create a fake profit for some of the addresses in order to win the trading rewards.
The Deri Protocol team then started to investigate this and found out that 4 addresses (listed below) have conducted improper matched-order trading during Epoch 2 of the Trade-to-Earn program. Such trading activities create fake profits for some of the involved addresses and thus put the honest participants at a significant disadvantage. The PnL competition would no longer be a fair play if such fake profits were taken into the ranking.
Therefore, we decided to remove these addresses from the PnL competition. That is, these addresses will not qualify for the special awards for the Top 10 PnL.
Deri Protocol team will continue to monitor and identify any illegal or unfair trading activities in the future. Any addresses identified as carrying out illegal activities will be excluded from the trading rewards.
What is matched-order trading?
Please refer to this explanation of “improper matched orders”:
What kinds of trades will be disqualified on Deri Protocol?
Trades that are deemed to be self-dealing, matched orders, market manipulation will be disqualified. Deri Protocol reserves the right to add more types of trading activities into the disqualifying list. Please note that some of these practices are illegal or even criminal in the financial industry.
What if I have two addresses on Deri Protocol with opposite positions?
Regular strategies involving 2 addresses holding opposite positions are perfectly fine. Only the so-called “improper matched orders” (see definition in the previous answer) will be excluded from competition awards.
List of identified addresses in Epoch 2:
Account 0xBD3B15E3bdC233DfBC04F897cE8ef6d37aa79Df3 opened 340 long position on ETHUSDT perpetual futures at Nov-19–2021 02:11:19 PM +UTC, and closed the position at Nov-19–2021 02:13:56 PM +UTC
Account 0x4a7dec50e716ef211b563d4cdb052cbeca27a590 opened 340 short position on ETHUSDT perpetual futures at Nov-19–2021 02:11:25 PM +UTC, and closed the position at Nov-19–2021 02:14:02 PM +UTC
This combination of trades has moved $80,240 from the first address to the second address and thus created a fake profit for the second address (at the cost of the first address’ loss). The trader could repeat this procedure and accumulate a big fake profit on the second address.